
  • 14 Lie '10

Sveiki, gal galite kas pasakyti kodėl Gwibber'yje negalima pajungti Facebook account'o? Lygtai senesnėje versijoje viskas puikiai veikė...

  • 15 Lie '10

O kodėl negalima? Pas mane Ubuntu 10.04, Gwibber ir jame draugiškai sukasi Faceboo, ir Twitter. Nesusidūriau su jokiomis problemomis.

  • 15 Lie '10

Man ir nepavyksta per Gwibber pasijungti FB ant 10.04, nors ankstesnėse versijose nebuvo problemų.

  • 16 Lie '10

Atnaujinkite savo OS, ištaisyti bugai Gwibber=Facebook.

  • New upstream release.
    • Better facebook api_key handling
    • Only download content from facebook that we haven't already downloaded
      yet (LP: #595265)
    • Cache the results of the friends query from facebook so we don't make so
      many redundant calls and download duplicate data (LP: #595265)
    • Added a CouchDB view for getting max_message_time and a method for
      looking it up per operation, using this value to only get content
      newer than the latest record we have stored
    • All of these fixes are related to reducing the number of calls we
      we make to facebook and reducing the size of the result. Facebook
      throttles application wide, not per-user based on usage. This throttling
      is the root cause for (LP: #552227) and (LP: #595265) and probably many
      other bug reports where facebook rejects gwibber.
    • Merged in the latest version of
    • Don't fail when we get valid error codes back from facebook, log them.
    • Bump the map_async timeout up to make sure it is higher than the pycurl
    • Bump the pycurl.TIMEOUT to 150 and use default for pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT
  • 16 Lie '10

Jau viskas gerai, pavyko. Pasirodo, kai autorizuojiesi, reikia dar kartą spausti "Add" mygtuką.

  • 18 Lie '10

Pas mane per Gwibber eina Facebook sienos pranešimai, o per Empathy Facebook pokalbiai.

Esu visiškai pilnai susiintegravęs su Facebook.

  • 19 Lie '10

kažkodėl autorizavus facebook'e ir spaudžiant ''add'' nieko nevyksta. Gwibber versija 2.30.1, sistema pastoviai atnaujinama.