Android is (not) a Linux

Mindaugas N.
  • 4 Lap '12

@Vladasl rašė:
Tad kolkas Android-as lieka.

Android nera Linux.
Android nera GNU, yra tik Linus kurtas kernelis, ir tas pakeistas jau senai (Pakeista net licenzija!). O gal pagal tamsta ir apples osx arba iOS yra Linux?

  • 4 Lap '12

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, developed by Google in conjunction with the Open Handset Alliance.
Google releases the Android code as open source, under the Apache License.
Android consists of a kernel based on the Linux kernel 2.6 and Linux Kernel 3.x (Android 4.0 onwards), with middleware, libraries and APIs written in C and application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time compilation to run Dalvik dex-code (Dalvik Executable), which is usually translated from Java bytecode. The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM architecture. There is support for x86 from the Android x86 project, and Google TV uses a special x86 version of Android.
Android's linux kernel has further architecture changes by Google outside the typical Linux kernel development cycle. Android does not have a native X Window System by default nor does it support the full set of standard GNU libraries, and this makes it difficult to port existing Linux applications or libraries to Android. But the support of simple C and SDL applications is possible by injection of a small Java shim and usage of the JNI like e.g. in the Jagged Alliance 2 port for Android.
Certain features that Google contributed back to the Linux kernel, notably a power management feature called wakelocks, were rejected by mainline kernel developers, partly because kernel maintainers felt that Google did not show any intent to maintain their own code. Even though Google announced in April 2010 that they would hire two employees to work with the Linux kernel community, Greg Kroah-Hartman, the current Linux kernel maintainer for the -stable branch, said in December 2010 that he was concerned that Google was no longer trying to get their code changes included in mainstream Linux. Some Google Android developers hinted that "the Android team was getting fed up with the process", because they were a small team and had more urgent work to do on Android.
Linux included the autosleep and wakelocks capabilities in the 3.5 kernel, after many previous attempts at merger. The interfaces are the same but the upstream Linux implementation allows for two different suspend modes: to memory (the traditional suspend that android uses), and to disk (hibernate, as it is known on the desktop). In August 2011, Linus Torvalds said that "eventually Android and Linux would come back to a common kernel, but it will probably not be for four to five years". In December 2011, Greg Kroah-Hartman announced the start of the Android Mainlining Project, which aims to put some Android drivers, patches and features back into the Linux kernel, starting in Linux 3.3. further integration being expected for Linux Kernel 3.4.
The flash storage on Android devices is split into several partitions, such as "/system" for the operating system itself and "/data" for user data and app installations. In contrast to desktop Linux distributions, Android device owners are not given root access to the operating system and sensitive partitions such as /system are read-only. However, root access can be obtained by exploiting security flaws in Android, which is used frequently by the open source community to enhance the capabilities of their devices, but also by malicious parties to install viruses and malware.

Mindaugas N.
  • 4 Lap '12

Android is a Linux-based operating system

Ka ir rasiau, kad Android nera Linux, kaip is osx, tai tik linux-unix like based operacine sistema, kaip ir osx (bsd/unix) .

Google releases the Android code as open source, under the Apache License.

O tai kad open source (ir tai tik tarp kabuciu) nepadaro sios OS Linux'u!

Mindaugas N.
  • 4 Lap '12

Pats rms apie tai užsimina.

  • 5 Lap '12

Andoido devai nusiforkino Linux kernelį, padarė savo modifikuotą versiją. Kai kuriuos dalykus kurie yra padaryti Androido kernelyje Linus Torvalds sumergina į pagr. kernelį. Jei naudoji Linux kernelį (arba jo dalį) jau priklausai Linux šeimynai.

Užuot čia fleiminęs eik geriau ir pataisyk wikipedijos puslapyje informacija (jei tavo pakeitimus aprovins - būsi teisus).

P.S. Būtų malonu jei diskusija "is android is Linux" testumėte trolinimo/beprasmių diskusijų skiltyje.

Mindaugas N.
  • 5 Lap '12

@apocalipso rašė:
Andoido devai nusiforkino Linux kernelį, padarė savo modifikuotą versiją. Kai kuriuos dalykus kurie yra padaryti Androido kernelyje Linus Torvalds sumergina į pagr. kernelį. Jei naudoji Linux kernelį (arba jo dalį) jau priklausai Linux šeimynai.

Užuot čia fleiminęs eik geriau ir pataisyk wikipedijos puslapyje informacija (jei tavo pakeitimus aprovins - būsi teisus).

P.S. Būtų malonu jei diskusija "is android is Linux" testumėte trolinimo/beprasmių diskusijų skiltyje.

Tu cia pajuokavai ?
Moderatoriau, nuo kada negalima siame forume ir temoje "linux mobiliakui" diskutuoti apie Linux ar Android ?

Tau ir apples osx yra linux, gal ir iOS linux? O kas yra BSD?
Paskaityk moderatoriau pats wiki, Donatas jau pakopijavo didziaja jos dali.
As patasiau tuos kurie mano, kad Android yra linux ir google padare kazka svento.

Esu priverstas tau primitni, kad jeigu tau kazkas nepatinka, tai taves niekas cia nelaiko.

  • 5 Lap '12

Jeigu jau tiek į šoną sukti, tai vėlgi kas bendro tarp BSD ir linux, o bendro jie turi: abudu priklauso UNIX šeimai, abu nekomerciniai projektai. Ir tas pats Mac OS x yra atskilęs iš tos pačios unix šeimos.

Mindaugas N.
  • 5 Lap '12

Mes irc sia tema padiskutavom, tai tikrai idomi tema
Android yra Linux Unix-like based OS, bet nera GNU Linux.
Vadinti Android kaip Linux yra tikrai neteisinga.

@donatas_s rašė:
Jeigu jau tiek į šoną sukti, tai vėlgi kas bendro tarp BSD ir linux, o bendro jie turi: abudu priklauso UNIX šeimai, abu nekomerciniai projektai. Ir tas pats Mac OS x yra atskilęs iš tos pačios unix šeimos.

Bet BSD ir yra BSD, mes nevadiname ji "Linux" ar "GNU Linux", kaip ir osx. Kodel Android turetume?
Ir kodel BSD nera komercinis projektas? FreeBSD arba NetBSD tai taip...

  • 5 Lap '12

Na tai taip, bet iš principo tai nekomercinis, kaip ir linux yra nekomercinis, bet juk kiekvienas žinom kiek yra mokamų distribucijų...

Bet tada kyla toks dalykas, Android'as priklauso tam pačiam unix, tada kur jūsų nuomonė jis turėtu būti šioje tarkim schemoje: ... 0x1200.jpg

Nes jis čia kaip ir nepavaizduotas, tarp kitų unix OS.

Mindaugas N.
  • 5 Lap '12

Net nezinau, bet va ka dar radau
Some operating systems developed for mobile phones use modified versions of the Linux kernel, including Google Android, HP webOS, and Nokia Maemo.
Paimta is
Man atrodo reiketu kurti tokiems hibridams atskira seimos medi

  • 5 Lap '12

Linux verciamas - linux is not unix

Kaip ten reikalai su tuo unix ir su kuo jis valgomas ... es-and-no/

  • 5 Lap '12

Čia jau priklauso, kaip tu žiūrėsi, ar turėsi unix siaurąją prasme ar plačiają.


The free Unix workalike created by Linus Torvalds and friends starting about 1991. The pronunciation /li´nuhks/ is preferred because the name ‘Linus’ has an /ee/ sound in Swedish (Linus's family is part of Finland's 6% ethnic-Swedish minority) and Linus considers English short /i/ to be closer to /ee/ than English long /i:/. This may be the most remarkable hacker project in history — an entire clone of Unix for 386, 486 and Pentium micros, distributed for free with sources over the net (ports to Alpha and Sparc and many other machines are also in use).Linux is what GNU aimed to be, and it relies on the GNU toolset. But the Free Software Foundation didn't produce the kernel to go with that toolset until 1999, which was too late. Other, similar efforts like FreeBSD and NetBSD have been technically successful but never caught fire the way Linux has; as this is written in 2003, Linux has effectively swallowed all proprietary Unixes except Solaris and is seriously challenging Microsoft. It has already captured 41% of the Internet-server market and over 25% of general business servers.An earlier version of this entry opined “The secret of Linux's success seems to be that Linus worked much harder early on to keep the development process open and recruit other hackers, creating a snowball effect.” Truer than we knew. See bazaar.(Some people object that the name ‘Linux’ should be used to refer only to the kernel, not the entire operating system. This claim is a proxy for an underlying territorial dispute; people who insist on the term GNU/Linux want the FSF to get most of the credit for Linux because RMS and friends wrote many of its user-level tools. Neither this theory nor the term GNU/Linux has gained more than minority acceptance).

  • 6 Lap '12

@donatas_s rašė:
The free Unix workalike created by Linus Torvalds and friends

Cia panasiai kaip kad pepsicola nera cocacola.