Paruoštukas po Ubuntu (ir Ubuntu GNOME) 14.04 diegimo

  • 29 Rugs '14

Ką daryti įdiegus Ubuntu 14.04:

  • 27 Grd '14

Dėkui, labai pravertė. Manyčiau, šitas paruoštukas nusipelnė didesnio dėmesio ir vystymo (pvz. aš turėčiau dar kažkiek pasiūlymų, kaip fine-tuninti ubuntu). Gal būtų nebloga idėja padaryti wiki ar bent užsharinti kaip viešai redaguojamą dokumentą bendruomenės nariams?

  • 25 Sau '22

Ačiū už galimybę dirbti su jumis. Šį rinkinį galima patobulinti įvairiais būdais (pavyzdžiui, tikslinant Ubuntu). Ar būtų įmanoma sukurti wiki bendruomenei arba bent jau sukurti wiki, kurį galėtų redaguoti visuomenė clickspeedtest?

  • 27 Geg '22

Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS reaches the end of its five-year LTS window on April 30th 2019 and will no longer be supported by the vendor (Canonical) space bar clicker.

Arya Williams
  • 19 Spa '22

The main difference between Ubuntu Desktop and Server is the desktop environment. While Ubuntu Desktop includes a graphical user interface, Ubuntu Server does not. It is because most servers run headless.

Ana Jones
  • 5 Grd '23

Core ball is an addicting online game that you won't be able to put down! Zigzag your way to the high score! Coreball (also named “Core Ball”) is a classic little arcade game that can be played online. The concept of this game is followed by an idea from a console game called AA Ball in 2015. The goal of Coreball is simple: you only need to get the ball into the core ball without hitting any of the other balls that are attached to it. When you have completed the current level by successfully throwing all of the balls, you will go on to the next one.